5 stars based on 120+ reviews on Google
Canned responses has to be one of my favourite features of Gmail, and it’s by far the feature I use most often (besides the awesome search function). Using canned responses can help improve customer service whilst making your business processes more efficient.
Canned responses allow you to set up what are essentially email templates with pre-written content. You can write an email that you send multiple times (like a ‘thank you for your email we will contact you shortly’) without having to type it out again and again.
It’s a great way to create elaborate and informative emails that you send again and again.
Here’s a few examples of how we use canned responses here in the Marketeam office:-
Throughout a website project (or any other project a business undertakes) there are certain actions that may trigger a communication with the customer.
For example when you receive payment or documentation from a client, install a certain component or order a part.
Usually these communications are the same for each customer so having a canned response is a great way to send this email update to customers without having to type it each and every time.
When we install Google Apps for clients we like to let them know how they can set up their email on multiple devices (iPhone, Windows phone and Android phones). Since the email we send is the same for each customer we have set up separate canned responses with instructions on how to set up mail using these devices.
This process could be used for any type of training material or information that’s sent to customers on a regular basis.
If you have a support email address you can set up an autoresponder with a canned response. This will automatically reply to anyone that sends through an email to your support email address. The canned response may have a list of FAQs that can assist with pointing people in the right direction for documentation or simply say “thanks for your email we will contact you shortly”.
If you have a contact form on your website, an autoresponder with a canned response is a great way to let customers know that you’ve received their email and will be in contact shortly.
If you regularly send out contracts and quotes, canned responses are a great way to easily send emails with all the information you need people to know about your contract or quote and ease up the repetitive task of writing out this type of email again and again.
As you can see there are many uses for canned responses that improve customer service and make your business processes much more efficient.
To enable Canned Responses, simply log into your Google Apps email or Gmail and click on the settings cog at the top right of your email window and choose 'Settings' from the drop down list.
Click on the 'Labs' tab and enable Canned Responses. When you go back to your email, you'll notice a drop down box when you're composing an email that will enable you to choose, create or delete canned responses.
5 stars based on 120+ reviews on Google