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So you’ve logged into Joomla to manage your website and you want to edit an article but there’s a lock next to it and you can’t get in… what do you do?
If a user is currently editing an article, Joomla will place a padlock icon next to it to indicate it is currently “in use”. Without this feature users could unknowingly overwrite each other’s changes if they happened to be in the same article at the same time.
The lock will be removed when the user clicks Save and Close for that particular article. However, if the user simply navigates away to another page (or uses the Back button on their browser) the article will remain locked.
If a different user needs to work within that particular article, then the article needs to be “checked in” before any new changes can be made.
The padlock means that an article within Joomla is locked – it’s a security feature that automatically activates when an article is being edited to prevent another user from editing it at the same time.
Note: These padlocks can often be displayed next to a content item (article), module or menu item.
When you’ve finished editing an article, you need to let Joomla know that you’ve finished, otherwise the system will assume you’re still actively making changes within the article, menu or module and will block another user from being able to edit.
Here’s a few common ways in which an article can be unnecessarily locked:-
There’s essentially two ways of checking in articles within Joomla:-
There’s a few different ways you can tell Joomla that you’re finished with an article, which will allow other users to edit:-
To avoid articles being ‘locked’ in future, make sure you close your articles, menus and modules properly.
5 stars based on 120+ reviews on Google