5 stars based on 120+ reviews on Google
Having unique and relevant title and description tags is one of the easist and most effective ways to assist your SEO efforts and drive targeted traffic to your website.
A title tag is considered by most SEO experts as THE most important aspect of your website’s ranking factors for on-page SEO. Generating a great title tag is key to ranking highly in search engines and generating a healthy CTR (click through rate).
A good description tag is also helpful in getting a user to click on your listing. If the keyword a user has typed into a search engine matches a keyword that’s used in your title and description tag, these keywords will be bolded by a search engine and increase a user’s recognition of these keywords, resulting in a higher click through rate.
Read our comprehensive article: The ultimate SEO guide for Joomla titles, descriptions and URLs >>
How to add a title tag to your Joomla web pages:-
How to add a description to your Joomla web pages:-
If you have any questions about how to add title or description tags to your website or you'd like some info on our Joomla SEO services, please give us a call on (07) 3882 3375 – we’d be happy to help you.
5 stars based on 120+ reviews on Google